Grupo Jumex, one of the best companies to work for in Mexico

April 29, 2021

Grupo Jumex was mentioned by the employment website Compu Trabajo, as one of the best companies to work in Mexico in the Food and Mass Consumption category. Compu Trabajo collaborates with more than 12,000 Mexican companies to locate and find the best talent and collects more than 7.6 million evaluations. For this year's report, they considered more than 1.2 million "reviews".

This distinction confirms that the well-being, growth, and development of everyone who's part of the Jumex family is a priority for the company. The ranking rates the company's work environment, development opportunities, compensation, benefits, and leadership. The Best Work Places 2021 aims to recognize the effort and great work of companies to become the best places to work. The evaluation collected by CompuTrabajo corresponds to the opinion expressed by employees and former employees of each company.

Grupo Jumex takes great pride and commitment to know that our collaborators and former collaborators consider us a great place to work. We will continue to collaborate following our values to guarantee an optimal environment, and thus continue to Grow Together to maintain the trust of our collaborators and Mexican families.


To learn more about this recognition visit: CompuTrabajo Best
WorkPlaces 2021: the best companies to work for in Mexico

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Para las posiciones de Operador, Montacarguista, Multiempacador, Ayudante General, Preventista, Vendedor en camioneta y chofer de reparto:

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Nuestros procesos de reclutamiento y selección son totalmente gratuitos para todos los candidatos. Grupo Jumex NO solicita ningún pago o depósito.