GRUPO JUMEX is recognized for the 11th year as a Socially Responsible Company
March 26, 2021
Grupo Jumex was recognized by the Mexican Center for Philanthropy (CEMEFI) and the Alliance for Corporate Social Responsibility for Mexico (AliaRSE), with the ESR Distinctive, for its commitment and the continuity it has given to its social responsibility programs in the 2020, despite the complex year that the world has gone through.
For Grupo Jumex, Social Responsibility is a priority. Grupo Jumex is a world-class sustainable company, committed to the development of communities, the countryside and its entire value chain.
We want to share and extend this recognition to all our collaborators and our value chain, since thanks to the resilient way of all of them to face the challenges and adapt to this new reality successfully, today it is possible to continue with our commitment to Mexico and its communities, promoting collaboration, volunteering, culture, education and art.